If you’re looking for a good resource to stay up to date on tech issues and would like to be entertained while you do so, you might want to check out boingboing.net. It’s a blog with 5 or so regular staff writers that covers lots of tech issues and products, science developments, critiques of the media and various other cultural ephemera.
The blog covers such a wide variety of issues that you might be wondering how it could possibly apply to libraries…well...in addition to the general tech stuff, probably most pertinent for library staff is boing boing’s excellent coverage and analysis of copyright and intellectual property issues in the digital environment. Cory Doctorow is a well known authority on the subject and a regular contributor to boing boing (he’s also a sci-fi author--Little Brother, For the Win are two of his YA books). You can pretty much count on him for a daily update on the constantly shifting and unsettled subjects of fair use, intellectual freedom, privacy and informational transparency among governments and corporations. Behind all the content that we consume, there is a giant struggle going on regarding who owns the content, how it can be used, and who can use it. Doctorow’s articles and analyses on these subjects are always informative and well-considered. Plus, he’s also a big proponent of libraries and librarians!
I’ve heard that this is one of the most linked-to blogs in the world; probably because of the eclectic nature and breadth of subjects covered. So stay “in the know” and check it out!
This site reminds me of the local newspaper "The Onion"