Monday, August 15, 2011

iPad for Class Notes

A couple of weeks ago, I led a staff training class, and after years of using my 3-ring-binder system to manage my notes, I thought I'd try using my iPad instead. I typed up my notes, and saved them as a PDF, then emailed them to myself, and opened them up on my iPad with iBook.

It was easy to flip through my notes on the iPad during class, but what I couldn't do, as class progressed, was write down ideas, questions, and thoughts on the same document. I'm used to scrawling all over my notes and using them later to adjust the course outline and content. I still took notes, but I did so on a separate pad of paper, rather than switch back and forth on the iPad between iBook and a word processor. It felt a little silly to be using both! I will probably go back to my paper notes for the time being, and look for other ways to use the iPad for work.

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried evernote? I don't have an ipad yet because of how I take notes. Everyone says that evernote fixes this problem. I'd like to progress away from my paper notes, but writing down notes seems like such an important way for something to go in my memory, I'm a little nervous to transition. Thanks for sharing your steps with this part of the ipad functionality.
