Sorry to bombard the NL Tech Talk Blogosphere with Facebook related entries, I hope this will complement Barb's excellent post.
Mr. Zuckerberg is at it again (and yes, I know THAT is not a picture of Mark Zuckerberg, but of the actor who portrayed him in 'that Facebook movie'.), so brace yourself for a revamping of Facebook once again. has a pretty great recap of the changes, but I am going to recap the recap.
1. Facebook wants to be your life's scrapbook. Facebook will help you share your past, present, and future by means of a Timeline which will dominate the top part of your profile page, and constantly scroll through your pictures, status updates, apps, places you've been, etc. seemingly until birth, or your facebook 'rebirth', whichever came sooner. For now the Timeline will be 'opt-in', but it will eventually replace the standard profile page. Not to worry! The further back you go (or the more oversharing you partake in) Facebook will compress the seemingly worthless information, and you will still look cool.
2. They say that negative emotions are stronger than positive emotions, and I can attest that I rarely have a desire to 'like' something on Facebook, but many a day I would vehemently like to 'dislike' something (usually I end up unfriending those people instead...). But wait! I no longer have to swallow the bile my newsfeed creates, because now I can "[verb] any [noun]" on Facebook. Huzzah! Wait... does this mean people will be oversharing more of the banal details of their daily lives? Oh Facebook, you double-edged sword, you!
3. Play a little farm-ville? Now the Facebook apps you love will ask you only once if they can share your personal information, instead of every time they want to share your personal information. This change must be for the facebook app-adventurers. I'm personally too scared of the viruses that could be lurking in any colorful pop-up box to try them.
4. Like Barb said, 'lightweight' (think all those quizzes and game related status updates) information will be banished to a ticker in the top right corner, but more stalk-worthy information (pictures, relationship status, 'is that what his new girlfriend looks like?', etc.) will still be in your newsfeed.
5. Oh happy day! Oh happy day! Your entire entertainment consumption experience can now be mediated through Facebook and shared with all your 'friends'! You can watch Hulu via facebook, read Yahoo News with your ever faithful f-book, listen to music, and share! Share! Share! Why do anything if you can't inform the world of it instantly?
In summation, Zuckerberg, you sly dog, is keeping it classy while his leviathan company continues to revolutionize the 'human experience'; growing past 800 million users (most active), and insinuating itself deeper into our daily lives. (resist if you can)
Hi Laura,
ReplyDeleteI very much enjoyed your recap of the revamped Facebook and it's amazing how Facebook numbers have not fallen after the revamping. There's a lot of grumpiness about Facebook all over the net.....but the love-hate relationship with Facebook continues just like the love-hate relationship with Windows(those of us who had to go through Windows Vista phase can attest to that).
It's not like when we're unhappy with the cable service of one company -we can switch to the next until we get vexed with that company and see if there's another company that might be better...
Facebook and Windows have people tied into using them as there's not enough competition out there as yet...where people can make choices....