Saturday, October 29, 2011

What makes a really good public library was an interesting link passed on to me by my son and there's some good stuff posted about what makes a good public library.

Here's one example-

Rich Online Resources - did I mention the high-tech knowledge center? Databases are some of the best, most useful sources of knowledge. Instead of searching through backlists, you have everything at your fingertips.
Kindle/iPad Lending - e-books help, not hurt, libraries. If libraries offer a wide variety of popular e-books, more people will benefit. Also, it's hard to steal or lose an electronic book.
Open, yet Secure Space - libraries are still a communal place, open and friendly to the public. Libraries should be modern, clean and well-designed. Modernity shouldn't mean skimpy security. I live in Boulder, Colorado, which has a beautiful, open library, but book theft runs rampant.
Strong Children's Section - why children? Children benefit the most from public libraries. A love of reading begins early; a library is a perfect place to incubate future bookworms. Having a wide selection of children and Young Adult books isn't enough -- there should be fun and exciting knowledge-related children-oriented programs.

I also checked out the credenitals of "quora" , and they seem to be a similar service like Yahoo answers started by two former Facebook employees - here's the Wikipedia link to learn more about "quora" - and here's the direct link to quora -

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