Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Predictably Irrational

A recent book recommendation for the Neighborhood Libraries Management team was this book by Dan Ariely:

Predictably irrational : the hidden forces that shape our decisions / Dan Ariely.
-->Author: Ariely, Dan. Call #: 330.01 ARIELYPublisher: New York : Harper, c2008.

This book is about how we make decisions when under stress and how irrationally we behave in those moments. The fun part is that our irrationality can be accurately predicted! Ariely has interesting research to back up his assertions and also talks about how our awareness of our irrationality during times of stress can be mitigated.

I loved this book. I think an interesting companion book to read at the same time would be

Blink : the power of thinking without thinking / Malcolm Gladwell.
-->Author: Gladwell, Malcolm, 1963- Call #: 153.44 GLADWELLPublisher: New York : Little, Brown and Co., 2005.

1 comment:

  1. This was a really great book and fun to read. It made you think about how you think and what does influence your own decisions and thought processes.
