Thursday, March 22, 2012

What do you like about your ereader, revisited

I am curious as to what everyone likes and/or dislikes about their ereaders. We first talking about this in December and early January but I thought our views may have changed since then as we have become more familiar with our devices. Many of us had new ereaders then but what have we discovered now? Here is what I found....

  • I love lending ebooks from the library! I had put some on hold when I first got my ereader and downloaded some just to see what it was like. At first I wasn't too impressed, but I also didn't download one of my favorite authors or books I would typically read. Once I read one I was more accustomed to reading in print, I was hooked at its convenience.

  • I love the light weight and percentage read features! I typically enjoy holding a book and flipping pages so I still checkout 'real' books for this since nothing can really beat flipping real pages rather than tapping. However, another aspect of book reading that I always like is seeing how much I read in the time I have been reading. Its a vague measurement that usually consists of me seeing where my bookmark is and how long I have had the book. I love the percent read feature on the ebook for this reason. I find when I am engaged in a book, it goes super fast and I like to anticipate where I am at in relation to the entire story.

  • I love browsing the free book section on my ereader! I know its a strange one, but I do. I have often used Amazon's site to see the feature "people who liked this or bought this also liked/bought....' I use this for recommendations and branching out in authors I have never tried. I also use the free book section this way. Recently I downloaded my first one and I honestly thought it probably wouldn't be very good because it was free. But I loved it! Perhaps they are being savvy in providing free books that get you hooked so you want to buy all the rest written by the author?

  • I have a love-hate relationship using textbooks on my ereader -- mostly hate if I am being honest. I tried this out because I thought it I would like this method because I am a bit more tech oriented, but I definitely don't. I hate citing from my ereader. I don't know if since the ebooks are newer, citing rules are harder than for physical books, but it was an awful and time consuming experience for me. It was also harder for me to understand more complicated material on the ereader. I am more visual and I like the way textbooks lay out material rather than ereaders. Its not always as easy as just reading a regular book. After two weeks of citing and re-reading material, I gave up and bought the textbook. I used the textbook as my main source and the ereader as a back-up which I will explain more. The one aspect I did like about having a textbook on my ereader was that when I came to word I was unfamiliar with or couldn't remember the definition, I was able to tap & define. The other feature I found was instead of using an index and searching for material as one would with a physical textbook, I used the search feature which saved me some time. But these last two reasons are not enough to ever make me buy one again!This personal experiment has actually made me question all the articles I have read about schools using online textbooks and ebooks. Maybe it depends on the type of learner you are, but I can say it isn't for me!

So what have you discovered? Do you love it - what's your favorite part? Is it just okay - what would make it better?


  1. I am feeling comfortable with my reader as far as downloading books and showing others how to use theirs. I do find that I like it for travel but when I am home I would still rather have a paper book in my hands.That said, when you are on an airplane, you do have to turn off all your electronic devices for a short time and the magazines in the seat pocket are not all that interesting. . . I have also found that the ALD website does not have much to choose from if you want to download something that day. There are many holds so it cannot be too spontaneous. I have found a site at that has free books. I was able to get the entire Hunger Games series there!

    1. What I like about my ereader:

      -It's small and slim - easy for toting in my purse and bringing on trips.

      -I have many books on there for back-up in case I get bored and need something to read when I don't have a book with me that I really want to read. (Amazon's selection of free downloads is the main contributer, but sometimes I have e-books on there from ALD, although they are usually backup books and don't get read.)

      What I don't like about it:

      -no page numbers

      -not being able to see how long the book is just by glancing at the thickness

      -It starts me out at the beginning of the story rather than what would be the beginning of the book, so in order to see the cover and title page and all the stuff that comes before chapter 1, I have to backtrack.

      -Most of what I really want to read is not available as e-book from our library or as a free download from Amazon. (Even if it was, I still prefer physical books... they're just better.)

    2. I just was checking out the site tand this message was posted on the site. "All access to eBooks has been disabled and eBooks will no longer be available from this website following a Court Order obtained by a number of publishing companies. They had complained that the availability of their eBooks on this website infringed the copyright of their Authors."

  2. Thanks, Janet. I have not been on this site for awhile so that is disappointing but good to know.
