Saturday, December 3, 2011

Innovative Children's Book

I met an interesting woman who has just published a unique children's book, entitled Alphabet Denver. It is a very unusual book, offering a GPS hunt for locations in the Denver area that are shaped like letters of the alphabet. It's color-coded with places within walking distance grouped under the same color. It uses different poetry types to describe each letter, with references in the back for teachers, parents, etc. explaining the poetry types. It even has QR codes linked to map locations. The latitude & longitude are listed on the page with the letter. The Denver Art Museum, Tattered Cover, Barnes & Noble, & The Bookies carry the book. Bookies sold 60 copies in 2 weeks. What a great book to have when you want to lure kids away from the t.v. or computer & get them out exploring the city with you. I loved the graphics and the combination of technology with our old favorite, BOOKS!.


  1. Wow. How exciting! Poetry, technology, literacy, civics, family engagement - what a great idea for a book. Thanks for sharing this find with us, Sharon.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful book for families. I would love to see it on our library shelves.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful book for families. I would love to see it on our library shelves.
