Friday, April 15, 2011

Electronic Devices and Insomnia

I recently read a couple of interesting articles linking the use of iPads, e-readers, and other tech devices to insomnia - or the inability to fall asleep, especially if they are used during the hour before bedtime. Many of these devices have a back-lit display and in the case of the iPad being used as a reader- are held very close to the face. Also, the iPad's blue light in particular sparks alertness. Sleep researchers have proven that light inhibits the release of melatonin or can modify its cycle. This is the hormone that helps settle the body into the sleep mode toward evening. The National Sleep Foundation recently conducted a study called "Sleep and Communications Technology Use". This study found "pervasive use of communications technology in the hour before bed, and also that a significant number of Americans aren't getting the sleep they need and are trying to find ways to cope". This poll is also a "fascinating snapshot of our society's sleep habits" and fairly discouraging since we anticipate a huge transition from print to electronic reading media in the next decade.


  1. I've been using my iPad in bed regularly before falling asleep, and the only adverse effect I've had so far was a dream in which someone broke my iPad.

    I'm a pretty small sample size, though.

  2. Hi Barb,

    This is so interesting to read and even more interesting to read Mark's response as it is similar to Jamie La Rue's comment on how he likes to read in bed without disturbing his wife as the backlight of the e-reader allows him that option.

    It would be interesting and fun to look for studies that might have been released when TV first became the craze regarding late-night TV interfering with balanced health and wellness.
